Congratulations to James McQueen

On his First Prize for best oral presentation, PVSAT 2024, Glasgow, UK



The Photovoltaics Science, Applications and Technology Conference - PVSAT-2024 is a 2.5-day event, each year taking place at a different location in the UK, with the 18th iteration is hosted by University of Strathclyde in Glasgow.

It is the UK’s premier scientific event for solar photovoltaics (PV) where the latest advances in research and development are presented and discussed. PVSAT conferences address all PV technologies including crystalline silicon, inorganic thin film, multi-junction concentrators, perovskites and emerging organic and hybrid cells, together with installation, performance monitoring, durability and energy and environmental impacts. James McQueen was awarded the First Prize for his oral presentation. The prizes were sponsored by the RSC Energy Sector Interest Group.
