2024 Oxford Solar Research Symposium

Come and join us in Oxford the week after the EUPVSEC conference! The symposium aims to foster collaboration between Australian and UK institutes on topics including crystalline silicon solar cells, perovskites and tandems. 

The symposium will run over two days, with a full schedule of talks on each, ranging from fundamental materials science to industrial manufacturing concerns. This will allow for wide ranging discussions that will undoubtedly spill over into some of Oxford’s most historic pubs. Our hope is that this will promote knowledge exchange and strengthen ties between Australia and UK researchers.


The Queen’s College, High St, Oxford OX1 4AW 
The college was founded in 1341 and is located in the heart of Oxford. Find more info on the college here

queens front


The registration fee is £60 per person. This is to cover the cost of catering, which includes lunch (in the hall shown above) as well as coffee breaks. Register here. Registration closes on August 1, 2024

Oral Presentations

Everyone is welcome to present at the symposium. If you would like to give a talk, please fill out the details in this form

(Note: The ‘Brief Description of Talk’ section is not an abstract to be assessed, it is just some info to help us design the program) 

Travel to Oxford

For information about how to get to Oxford please visit the Department of Materials website.

Accommodation in Oxford

All attendees must arrange their own accommodation for this symposium.
The Queen’s College is offering a limited number of single en suite (£83.16 per night) and twin rooms (£120.60 per night) in the college at a discounted rate. These will be available for September 29, September 30, and October 1. To book a room in the college, follow these steps:
•    Go to the booking website here.
•    Enter the promotion code: SOLAR2024
•    Select the required dates.
•    Payment can then be made by card.
For those choosing to stay in the college, guest information can be found here
Alternatively, here are some websites to find other accommodation in Oxford:

Airbnb Oxford


University room

Oxford Visitor's Information Site

Oxford Bed and Breakfast


The final program will be uploaded here in mid August.

back quad2


Organised by Matthew Wright, Alison Ciesla (UNSW) and Sebastian Bonilla, University of Oxford.

This symposium is jointly funded by Queens College Oxford and UNSW. 

solar research symposium final  copy