

pub bckg2


A complete up-to-date list of publications may be found at Google Scholar, as linked below. We make our papers open access as much as possible, or make them available for download as pre-prints through our institutional repository ORA.

PhD theses may be accessed through the following ORA links (some are embargoed due to commercial sensitivity):

  1. Dr Shona McNab, Synthesis and Characterisation of Nanolayer Passivating Contacts for High-Efficiency Solar Cells, 2024

  2. Dr Mingzhe Yu,  Exploiting Ion-Charged Dielectrics for High-Efficiency Solar Cell Architectures, 2023

  3. Dr Eleanor Shaw, A new texturing technique for silicon solar cells using gas phase etching, 2023

  4. Dr Isabel Al-Dhahir, Exploiting extrinsic passivation on thin film dielectrics for high efficiency solar cells, 2022

  5. Dr Katherine Collet, Surface passivation for silicon solar cells using stable extrinsic field effect passivation, 2018

  6. Dr Sebastian Bonilla, Surface passivation for silicon solar cells, 2015.