2D semiconductor materials, such as MoS2 and WS2, have enormous potential to impact the future development of flexible electronics, sensors, solar cells, and post-silicon microprocessors based in complimentary MOSFET logic. Many of the exciting electronic properties in these materials are strongly influenced by phenomena occurring at its interface to other materials, like metals or dielectrics. In this project, the field-effect mechanism displayed by such 2D semiconductors will be exploited to advance and further the performance of devices. 2D semiconductors produced by our collaborators will be used to design and manufacture devices, containing novel interfacial materials that allow tuning of their electronic properties. They will be characterised via advanced electron microscopy, scanning Kelvin Probe microscopy, impedance spectroscopy, and photoluminescence, and their properties tailored by controlling the synthesis of such interfacial layers.
This project offers the opportunity to undertake ground-breaking research in the field of electronic and interface materials, involving chemistry, solid state physics, and device characterization.
This EPSRC-funded 3.5 year DPhil in Materials DTP studentship will provide full fees and maintenance for a student with home fee status (this status includes an EU student who has spent the previous three years (or more) in the UK undertaking undergraduate study). Candidates with EU fee status are eligible for a fees-only award, but normally would have to provide funding for their living costs from another source such as personal funds or a scholarship. The stipend will be at least £16,009 per year. Information on fee status can be found at http://www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/graduate/fees-and-funding/fees-and-other-charges.
Candidates are considered in the January 2020 admissions cycle which has an application deadline of 24 January 2020.
Any questions concerning the project can be addressed to Dr Sebastian Bonilla (sebastian.bonilla@materials.ox.ac.uk) or Professor Peter Wilshaw (peter.wilshaw@materials.ox.ac.uk). General enquiries on how to apply can be made by e mail to graduate.admissions@materials.ox.ac.uk. You must complete the standard Oxford University Application for Graduate Studies. Further information and an electronic copy of the application form can be found at http://www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/postgraduate_courses/apply/index.html.