Our work featured at the Silicon PV 2021 conference


We are delighted to have attended the 11th International Conference on Silicon Photovoltaics, 2021, hosted by the Institute for Solar Energy Research Hamelin (ISFH) in Germany.

This year we presented 7 scientific contributions at the conference which originated directly from the work in our group. We also collaborated in further 3 contributions, for a total of 10 contributed works.  We were thrilled that our research was so well received and four of our works were selected among the top 25%, and given as oral presentations.

We were even more excited to learn that our very own Mingzhe Yu was selected among the top 10 contributions to the conference, granting her the Silicon PV Conference Award. More on this on this news piece., and a photo of the award ceremony below. We also had a special mention for the work of Isabel on tailoring chemical passivation during firing (image included below). And lastly we also manage to secure a best poster award for the second Thursday session.

Since this year the conference was virtual, we’re very pleased to share our work more widely with the community. The titles of our work are included below, and links to the video presentations are included in the Video site.











Oral Contributions



Poster Contributions